Constituições da América Latina em debate

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15 de Abril
Sala 2 do Instituto de Ciências Sociais, em Lisboa

O investigador Gabriel Negretto, do Centro de Investigação e Docência Económicas do México, participa no seminário sobre alterações constitucionais na América Latina, a ter lugar no Instituto de Ciências Sociais de Lisboa no dia 15 de Abril (próxima segunda-feira), pelas 15h00. O seminário, que acontece no âmbito dos estudos pós-graduados de Ciência Política, é dedicado ao tema Constitutional Change in Latin America: Forms, Frequency, and Content e baseia-se num artigo de Negretto, cujo resumo se pode ler em baixo:

“Since 1978, all countries in Latin America have either replaced or amended their constitutions. What explains the choice between these two substantively different means of constitutional transformation? This article argues that constitutions are replaced when they fail to work as governance structures or when their design prevents competing political interests from accommodating to changing environments. According to this perspective, constitutions are likely to be replaced when constitutional crises are frequent, when political actors lack the capacity to implement changes by means of amendments or judicial interpretation, or when the constitutional regime has a power-concentrating design. It is further argued that the frequency of amendments depends both on the length and detail of the constitution and on the interaction between the rigidity of the amendment procedure and the fragmentation of the party system. The article provides statistical evidence to support these arguments and discusses the normative implications of the analysis.”

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